

Help for Small/Medium Size Businesses/Vertical
Market Solutions

Whether you are new to trade shows or not, you always want to put your best exhibit face forward. And the same goes for your marketing/sales initiatives and marketing events. Maybe you want to be more creative and effective and/or need to scale up? The question is, “What’s my next move?” Is it hiring someone to manage our program or contracting with a trade show/event/marketing professional who knows the territory and is ready to help?

On the other hand, is your focus the vertical market shows? In fact, this has been on your radar for a while, as these shows are producing satisfactory outcomes. You ask, “how can I improve current results”? In other words, should you hire another full-time staffer or do you contract with a trade show/event vertical market expert.

What are the options? First, you can hire a full or part-time expert. If you don’t have approval to add another full or part time person, you can add an outside resource that manages small exhibits and/or vertical market programs.

What would your WANTED ad read like if you could hire an outside consultant for some or all of your initiatives?

WANTED Help with:

An experienced trade show/event manager or marketing/sales expert that works as an adjunct staff member to help us execute our new marketing, sales and/or trade show program

WANTED Help with:

A bolt-on trade show/event manager that takes on the responsibility for the vertical market shows, whether onsite or virtual

WANTED Help with:

Strategic and/or logistical support to expand our service capabilities and personnel resources.

WANTED Help with:

An experienced trade show/event specialist or sounding board with relevant marketing experience to review current plans and ideas

WANTED Help with:

A creative force with more imaginative and effective approaches for my booth, events, marketing and sales initiatives and/or sponsorships

WANTED Help with:

A resource that knows how to improve results and provides measurement and quantification programs that are easy to introduce across my entire trade show and/or event program.

WANTED Help with:

Ideas to gain the buy-in and support of the management and staff for our trade show/event/sponsorship and marketing program(s)

WANTED Help with:

Training programs that ensure improved staff execution regardless of show, event or other marketing programs

WANTED Help with:

Improved booth, event or marketing communications so attendees know what we sell, spend more time in the booth and marketing prospects enhance their knowlege of our company

WANTED Help with:

Creative ideas that appeal to qualified prospects, attract the right attendees to the booth/event, help us communicate effectively, differentiate our company from competitive offerings, increase prospect retention and create a memorable experience for potential customers long after the show/event closes

WANTED Help with:

A lead management solution the staff is likely to use and helps us collect the right prospect data for successful follow-up.

WANTED Help with:

A practical way to post, measure and quantify results for management and confirm the value of the shows.

WANTED Help with:

Someone that understands the demands of management for postshow, event and/or marketing program reports and can help me create the right follow-up that impresses the decision makers and stakeholders.

If this sounds a lot like a full-time event or exhibit manager, marketing coordinator or specialist, you’re on target. But in this case your wanted wish list is for an adjunct or bolt-on solution that helps you as a part time or on an as needed basis. If you think this will help, call TSP.

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